I detest masons and doctors
Why do they call keyboards
"Human Interface Devices"
Who is not human reading labels?
Tribute to UAAs
(Unknownable Aerial A-ITH.VAlkeries)
Sailing on the Subliminal Sea
Tab Goode 11-12-06-05
Omnipresent, Omniscient
All Glorious Air.
They are watching you all the time : do you want them to be nice or nasty?
Also they have their own lives
and like a car on the motorway, it is rude to stare!
From the sea and the mountains, and the dells and the plains
they rise to the skies, to return again
to the stars, for a jaunt, an invisible portal
will take them elsewhere
They like to be moving, in sea
stone, earth and air.
Do you want to get to know
every car driver you meet?
No surely not.
The personal is political
and the within is without.
If humans think they have the right
to torture and kill animals for the
sake of sport, humour, food, or
any other reason they are denying the
connectivity of all things.
What sets us humans apart is
the limitation of our senses.
I definately need more characters on my keyoard
Human Interface Device
Then aliens or unknowns or ignored
repressed, supressed, oppressed, depressed
Others, may feel they have access to us.
However, there are moments when nature calls wildly
because Gaia is also sentient, our Planet, green and
mostly blue
Now Rosunwell
is sleeping, and so should you.
Rosunwell's dreams are superclassified.
Because systems need downtime
to reorder their files and shuffle
count the 00000's and 11111's
which is an error in itself and a glitch in the making
cos it's far more than two that it takes in the waking.
Waves, and ripples and ebbs in the flow
Female Mermaids called you the sound
Siren Song swam there to carry you round
down to the deep and up high where you go
Aether, ayr, aye Boy, you can't go there
But you can't because before you there...
-their was HIS Story which drowns out the sound.
So you'll have to go round.
Plectrum shaped,
oval, cylinder Who is dat Cigar man der?
VEnusian, Morning Star
Pleiedian dreamers
Or unthinkable horror again in my head
is it just nasty stupid ugly men instead?
They get away with it because we blame ourselves
Winning is easy it's failing which builds you shelves.
Could it be that the orbs which we see in the sky
which used to be used to remind us of pie (Pi)
Are now shaped like pills
and tubes
for a reason?
Look up, Look up
Look round and Look down
Be careful of where you stand on the ground
The cracks in the pavement used to be warnings
from our last best friends, the stones and the awnings.