I detest masons and doctors
Why do they call keyboards
"Human Interface Devices"
Who is not human reading labels?
Deane Ashayana (formerly Anna Hayes) author of Voyagers: the Sleeping Abductees (2001). Initially I found this book un- or in-credible, as I was trying to read it in the wrong space and time (and in the wrong way, linearly) jumping into it when it called to me, I found it excellent and nourishing. It is packed with information, a written format of what would be so quick to understand as a digital game. It professes to be training from the Eieyani Priests of Ur (Sumer) translations from the Emerald Covenant and Cloister-Dora-Teura Plates or CDT-Plates, 12 Pre-Atlantian Holographic Disc Records from 246,000 BC. She says The groups bringing harm to humans are guilty of the crime of ignorance. They do not believe non-invasive methods of interspecies cooperation exist. They have often observed that humans quite often cannot treat even those of their own kind with compassion, understaning and tolerance (Deane (2001) p. 48) For example we murder each other in wars, tolerate homelessness, poverty, and thousands dying of starvation and dehydration, and eating animals and vivisection. So why should they not abduct us or force us to comply with their will? If humans are able to fulfill their evolutionary blueprint, the Earth and many other reality fields will no longer be free for exploitation. They will become protected by a species equal in power and greater in knowledge than those who wish to misuse these realities. It is from this interdimensional conflict that your concepts of good vs. evil and God vs. devil emerge. One group of advanced beings wish to see humans evolve into wholeness, equality and co-creatorship, while another group of beings desires to stunt the evolution of humanity so it can continue to utilize its resources for self serving purposes. The latter group has come to represent the dark or evil forces within the collective human unconscious, while the former has emerged into your mythologies of the gods. (Deane (2001) p. 42).
Debunkers/disinformationalists stay away from these, they either cant handle the computational skills of new information and complex theories which break and transform and replace old paradigms, or else they are in the pay or influence of cynical controlling powers and forces. You cant win an argument with them as they wont understand, or wont hear you so, best avoided. They are, what Stanton Friedman has adequately described as nasty negativists.
Defense Support Program (DSP) A series of surveillance satellites, their sensor platforms detect missile launches and also have tracked thousands of what they term Fastwalkers meaning unidentified craft ufos because they produce a source of electromagnetic radiation moving at a high speed in the outer layers of the atmosphere which triggers the sensors of spy satellites (Birnes (2004) p. 128)
Department of Defense & Defense Intelligence Agency DoD (Pentagon) is the civilian command centre for the American Military, protecting U.S. security interests globally, utilizing many agencies inlcuding the DIA founded in 1961, which is the repository for ufo reports from foreign intelligence agencies. DIA spooks (spies) work on behalf of the military and you may find yourself under their technological surveillance (though I doubt youd ever be able to prove it, afterall who would you tell?). The net is useful for disseminating information but will either be discredited or disrupted, Im sure these people have their own private net systems anyway.
DIGAP Direct Action Group into Aerial Phenomena. Formed in 1955, this is one of the oldest UFO associations in the world. (Randles (MIB, 1997) p. 13)
Discovery Program NASA missions: Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous; Mars Pathfinder; Lunar Prospector; Stardust, to name just four of these three year probes. Also a collection of tv channels bringing science, nature, history and flight (wings) innovations and accomplishments into the public arena. Very good and frequent ufological info.
Drake Equation much vaunted theorem used both to prove and disprove possibility of life elsewhere since the Green Bank Conference 1961. Franks equation looks like this: N = R* x fp x ne x fl x fi x fc x L (N = present number of ET races able to communicate interstella distances. R* = mean rate of star formation, averaged out over Galaxial lifetime. Fp = fraction of stars that have planets. Ne = average number of planets in a planetary system suitable for life. fl = fraction of suitable [?] planets on which life develops. fi = fraction of life-bearing planets on which intelligent life develops. fc = fraction of intelligence-bearing planets on which capacity for interstellar communication develops. L = average lifetime of a technological civilization). For a detailed look at this see The Extraterrestrial Encyclopedia: An Alphabetical Reference to All Life in the Universe (2000) David Darling, PhD, p.109-113.
Dreamland Area 51, Nevada dry salt lake undergound facility, Groom Lake, also known as S-4. Bob Lazar is a former employee of LockHeed Martins Advanced Development Projects division (also known as Skunk Works because they make very strong canabis there (not really) that needed saying, maybe they do!) and Los Alamos National Laboratory who says that down here is a sophisticated reverse or back-engineering project utilizing ET tech. After seeing autopsy reports as well as black and white photos of alien bodies (the typical greys, with large, hairless heads) on his first visit to S-4 Lazar believes that he was gradually being prepared for experience with an extraterrestrial spacecraft during his second visit to S-4 It was definitely extraterrestrial. I dont know the exact history of them, but theyre certainly alien craft, produced by an alien intelligence with alien materials. We were trying to see if we could duplicate what was there, with earthbound material and technology. You start with a finished product and you try and find out how it was built. (Timothy Good, Alien Liaison (1991) p 153-5).
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