I detest masons and doctors
Why do they call keyboards
"Human Interface Devices"
Who is not human reading labels?
Kaifu - Toshiki. Prime Minister of Japan who stated in 1990 'I said that someone had to solve the UFO problem [whilst using] far reaching vision at the same time. From the point of [view of] 'people' in outer space, all human beings on earth are the same people, regardless of whether they are American, Russian, Japanese'' (Birnes (2004) p. 177)
Katchen - Lee. A marvelous quote from this NASA physicist whilst talking of NORAD (North American Air Defense Command): 'UFO sightings are now so common' major defense systems have UFO filters built in 'The filters cut out all unconventional objects or targets' Something that hovers in the air and then shoots off at 5,000 miles per hour doesn't interest us because it can't be the enemy' (Birnes (2004) p. 177) [Ill say it cant be the enemy, how could you win against something like that!]
Kazakstan Mountains - At 11pm on 16th August 1960, an eight-man geophysics expedition from Leningrad were camping here when a brilliant orange, lens- shaped object suddenly rose over the mountains with a diameter 50% greater than that of the moon, according to the mineralogist leader of the expedition, Dr Nikolai Sotchevanov. The object flew south, zigzagged to the north-east, and disappeared behind the mountains after curving round. (Hobana & Weverbergh (1975) p.284). The object was brighter in the centre than at the edges.
Keel John Alva. Author of: Strange Creatures from Time and Space (1970); Operation Trojan Horse (1971); The Mothman Prophecies (1975); The Eighth Tower (1976). Experienced UFO researcher John A. Keel set forth his opinion that the MIB were the intelligence arm of a large and possibly hostile group. Keel said that he considered the UFO silencers to be professional terrorists assigned the mission of harassing UFO researchers who became too involved in investigations that might reveal too much of the truth. Keel said that in his own research he had uncovered some extreme cases of personal abuse in which certain UFO contactees and/or UFO investigators had been kidnapped [subjecting] their victim to some sort of brainwashing that leaves [them] in a state of nausea, mental confusion, or even amnesia dark-complexioned mystery men had sometimes silenced saucer sighters even before the witnesses had had time to report [and] did not want people to know their place of origin: They have been lying to contactees since 1897! [sighting the example of the Texas airship mystery when] according to newspaper accounts, some pottery had fallen from one of the mysterious airships. The next day a dark-suited man of Oriental complexion arrived in town and bought up the strange fragments. (Steiger & Steiger (1994) p. 123-4). [Actually some other reports of MIB assert that they have incredibly pale skin, the one who dissolved the coin into another plane did, and the one with the red lippy on]. Anyway, These ultraterrestrials, Keel claimed, are malignant intelligences from another dimension of existence, who are able to enter our reality at will [as] angels, demons, fairies [etc] anomalous animals such as Bigfoot [Sasquatch] and sea [lake] monsters, and, in the twentieth century, space travellers from other worlds Men in Black are the origin of the Grim Reaper figure and the widespread legends of vampires minions of the King of the World. (Baker (1999) p. 132-3). He walked the line between demonology and ufology.
Kelly Hopkinsville A famous case of metallic, floating, goblins. A normal family living in a tiny hamlet had a nasty fright night on August 21st 1955. The Sutton family and relative Bill Taylor who saw a saucer shaped object with a multicoloured exhaust plume descending in the field nearby when he went to fetch water from the well. From indoors they watched a three foot, hairless creature with a large head and bat ears approach with long arms raised above its head. It was glowing silver in the dusk and had huge eyes on the sides of its head with a grin from ear to ear. More of them came and climbed about, dropping onto the roof from a nearby tree. Shooting at them, a hasty move as they had their arms raised, didnt work as it just made a metallic sound and they rolled or floated away unharmed. Taylor tried to leave but they grabbed his hair from the roof. The goblin gremlins hung around all night with the Suttons shooting at them, but they never tried to get in. Making a dash for it, the family drove to the Sheriffs Office and Deputy George Batts got two Kentucky State police and went straight round there, but the aliens had gone.
Kennedy President John F. The Thirty Fifth President of the US was unfaithful to Jackie with Marilyn Monroe, amongst others, and he leaked information to her about ufos which endangered her life. They both wound up dead, her in 62 him in 63 (November 22nd public assassination. They said that Lee Harvey Oswald shot him from the grassy knoll, but Jack Ruby killed Oswald before the court case. Ruby had nine contacts with the FBI (Dolan (2002) p. 271).) Kennedy reported a 1963 UFO sighting off Cape Cod, near the family compound at Hyannisport, Massachusetts. The object was reportedly sixty feet in diameter and saucer-shaped, with a gray top and bright, silvery bottom [emitting] a humming sound (Birnes (2004) p. 179).
Keyhoe Major Donald. Born 20 June 1897, Iowa. Author of: Flying Saucers Are Real (1950); Flying Saucers from Outer Space (1953); The Flying Saucer Conspiracy (1955); Flying Saucers, Top Secret (1960); Aliens From Space (1973). Major Donald Edward Keyhoe, US Marine Corps and from January 1957 Director of NICAP. Widely regarded as one of the best behind-the-scenes chroniclers of U.S. government response to the UFO situation in the 1940s through the 1950s. (Howe (1998) p. 24) he is noted for drawing attention to the apparent correlation betweent he development of atomic weapons in 1945, and the upsurge in the Ufo sightings from 1947 onwards, suggesting that this dangerous technology had forced the aliens to pay much closer attention to humanity. (Baker (1999) p. 135) By 1960 he was frustrated by the ever-tightening censorship and outright lies that had become the strictly enforced policy of the Silence Group. (ibid). Howe on Glimpses of Other Realities: High Strangeness high strangeness linked to non-human intelligences which the Silence Group or MJ-12 enforcers never wanted the media or public to know. But information has leaked out anyway from people frustrated by their own firsthand knowledge of a non-human presence in a world where denial has become a substitution for truth One government agent told me his superiors hoped to be dead before the true story erupted (Howe (1998) p. 30). In 1969 the Board of Governors asked him to retire from NICAP, and in 1981 he joined the Directors of MUFON. After a full life he died on November 29th 1988.
Kherson Russia. On the 20th October 1966, the Director of the Hydrometeorological School, V. L. Duginov saw, together with 50 other witnesses, a saucer-shaped object with a diameter about two to three times that of the sun and moving eastwards. (Hobana & Weverbergh (1975) p. 288)
Kirghizia Russia. Many people observed in early September 1970 south of Lake Issyk-Kul, Kirghizia, a fiery, soccer-ball-shaped object. It moved above the Tersky Alatan mountains, stopped, and disappeared above the snow-covered crests in a shower of sparks. (Hobana & Weverbergh (1975) p. 290)
Klarer Elizabeth. Born in Natal, South Africa in 1910, she saw her first ufo at age seven. Klarer had a CVIII on December 27th 1954 in the Drakensberg Mountains where she lived in a farmhouse. It was a very attractive alien with a 55ft craft hovering, and she was most surprised. April 7th 1956 she met him again, her handsome ufonaut, in the same place, and this time she rushed to him. He embraced her and swung her up to the ufo as they laughed. He spoke english and said Not afraid this time?. I have known your face within my heart all my life she replied. Akon said he came from Meton in Alpha Centauri. Although she was married they flew off together and he said We rarely mate with Earth women; when we do, we keep the offspring to strengthen our race and infuse new blood. It was an offer she couldnt refuse. Their child was named Ayling and was born on Meton with Akon acting as midwife. But they did visit her in South Africa. Her book Beyond the Light Barrier (1977) says Meton was free from hunger, war and disease politics and money [but] she could not remain on Meton due to the difficulty she had in breathing the atmosphere. (Baker (1999) p. 136)
Kraspedon Dino. Real name Aladino Felix (its common for experiencers to try to protect their identity at least at first). This Brazilian saw a ufonaut whilst driving through Parana, Sao Paolo. Then, in March 1953 the ufonaut knocked on his door! The Venusian liked to talk about propulsion, theology and astronomy. Kraspedons book My Contact with Flying Saucers was published in 1959. Unfortunately the predictions Kraspedon was inspired to make about forthcoming disasters became true because he was a terrorist gang leader. When arrested in August 1968 he said I was sent here as an ambassador to the Earth from Venus. My friends from space will come here and free me and avenge my arrest. You can look for the tragic consequences to humanity when the flying saucers invade this planet. (Baker (1999) p. 137) Makes you wonder if Earth is a penal colony for wayward members of society that Venusians have had enough of.
Kilgallen Dorothy. A famous national newspaper columnist, she had one of the last interviews with Jacky Ruby (see Kennedy). In a May 23, 1955 article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram [uh oh, Fort Worth Roswell] Kilgallen reported that the British had examined the debris from the wreckage of a flying saucer and become convinced that the objects originated from another planet (and were) staffed by small men, probably under four feet tall. The article concluded a flying ship of this type could not possibly have been constructed on earth. (Birnes (2004) p. 182). Very soon after Jack Rubys murder, she was murdered too.
Kovalyonok Vladimir. Soviet cosmonaut. On May 5, 1981 we were in orbit (in the Salyut-6 space station). I saw an object that didnt resemble any cosmic objects Im familiar with. It was a round object which resembled a melon, round and a little bit elongated. In front of this object was something that resembled a gyrating depressed cone [then] a barbell. I saw it becoming transparent and like with a body inside. At the other end I saw something like gas discharging we decided it was a plasma form it did not have an artificial origin tightening, then expanding, pulsating during a certain time, we and the craft were moving together. (Birnes (2004) p. 184)
Kurz Shane. Several ufos were seen in 1968 around New York. Mrs and Ms Kurz lived there too. Shane Kurz had been outside watching them on the 2nd of May. That night after a deep sleep, her mother awoke her concerned that Shane was lying on top of the bedspread in her slippers and dressing gown with her legs and clothes covered in mud. There were muddy footprints leading into the house (Spencer (1991) p. 228). It wasnt until Shane suffered from severe menstrual pain and headaches in the next days, that she realised she had to find out what happened to her that night of which she had no memory. Many years passed til she found a suitable regression hypnotist. When she did she recalled being drawn to the window by a telepathic voice calling to her and then outside the house and towards a landed UFO nearby. It was when crossing a muddy field towards the UFO that Shane had become caked in mud [inside she experienced] what appeared to be a hospital like operating theatre where a medical examination took place Shane was physically raped by the leader of the aliens whom she described as humanoid though generally more slender than normal humans. Many of her worst fears about the encounter ended [subsided] nine months after the event, suggesting some connection to pregnancy Shane stated she had enjoyed the sexual encounter with the alien because of a substance smeared on her body [by the aliens] beforehand. (Spencer (1991) p. 229)
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